Recently, I took a trip to the Container Store. There wasn’t anything in particular that I was looking for, but knew that I would find just that perfect solution to one of my organizing projects. I found a better organizing system for my jewelry; plus I found a few other items just for fun. I’m particularly drawn to small gadgets either for the kitchen or office. Things that I never knew that I needed; but when I see them, they make perfect sense.
Having managed two trans-Atlantic moves, I’m rigorous about not having any extra items in our house. I’m quite firm about the rule that if it isn’t used within a year, it should be donated or thrown out. This is a totally foreign concept to my husband, who is a hoarder and his filing system consists of stacking papers, yet he always knows where everything is. I have to admit that it is probably pretty ruthless on my part but since he is a scientist, he sees the logic in my rule.
Here are just some of my routine de-cluttering projects:

Closets: I go through our closets twice a year and donate items that we haven’t worn (at least those items from my husband that I can sneak out of the closet or those that I can pry away from him.)
Bookcases: This is one that I agonize over only because reading is a passion for me and I go through books quite quickly. I don’t read them more than once but I just don’t take the time, as I should, to go through our books and donate the ones that we’ve read. This is one of my projects for the next few weeks. Last year, a friend was sending books to troops who were recovering from injuries from the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan so I sent two big boxes of books to them. I can’t think of a better way to clean out my bookcases!
Bathroom: I try and get through our bathroom cupboard and drawers a couple of times a year – especially my makeup drawer. Why do I always end up with at least 2-3 tubes of lipstick that’s the same color but I never wear?
Office: Here’s where I really love my little gadgets! I have a USB hub, lots of colored post its and colored highlighters, tabs, folders, you name it and I have it. I love color coordinating all of my projects. And I’ve recently found some cable tidy devices that hopefully will help keep my cat from chewing on my computer cables.
Garage: This is an area where my husband and I don’t agree. I’d love to have a perfectly neat and tidy garage while still being able to keep my car with room to get out. At the moment, my car fits perfectly, as does his when we switch (big difference in size). But I’d really love a whole wall of pegboard to hang “stuff” that always accumulates in a garage. This is one of my goals for this spring.
Declutting, throwing out or donating unused items and reorganizing gives me a sense of order in my life – a sense of control and achievement!
Do you need to have a “declutter” session or reorganize any area of your home? Take it a step at a time but make it a priority. It will lift your spirits and give you a sense of accomplishment.
Good luck with your organization endeavors!