Our days of heat and tremendous humidity should be nearing an end but someone forgot to remind the weather. September, as PV’s rainiest month, lived up to it’s name in a substantial way. We’ve had thunderstorms most evenings with a result of gorgeous lush greenery and palms. And thunder clouds have given us a few evenings of pretty amazing light shows and sunsets.

Most small shops were closed during the month of September because it’s normally the month when no one visits. This year, many of the nationals decided to make PV a holiday destination around the 16
th, Independence Day, since it fell on a Friday. The 14th was our 25th wedding anniversary, a traditional charros parade (Mexican traditional horsemen) traveled through downtown so we met up with friends to spend the afternoon . On Friday, the 16
th, we met up with friends again to visit the taco festival and then on to a Mexican dinner where we celebrated my birthday (early), our anniversary and Independence Day. It was one wild night!!

The following day, a friend from Singapore arrived and we tried to cram a week’s worth of sight-seeing and eating into two and a half days. We wandered the streets of downtown and although the festivities were finished, green, white and red decorations flourished in the plazas and streets. We managed to arrive at the Lady of our Guadalupe cathedral just as noon services started and it was a beautiful experience. We hit a few market stalls and shops that were still open and then went for lunch on the beach.

Although it’s been busy, I’ve managed to sew some cushion covers for our balcony dining chairs. I’m really pleased with the way they turned out because it has been a very long time since I’ve done piping and any sort of cushion coverings, apart from the quick covers for our sofa when we got Kato. I actually put a lot of effort into our dining chair cushions! Then, I found a really cute bag on the Craftsy website and wanted to sew one. Finding some appropriate fabric took some effort but once home; a couple of hours later – my bag was ready to go. I’ve used it constantly since and just finished another one for our holiday. A couple of friends and I took a morning out to make breast cancer awareness ribbons for another friend’s reception. We had lots of fun and laughs and got to wear one of our ribbons at the reception.

And we’ve also managed to get Kato used to a harness so that he can go outside when we are out. He’s been very good about putting it on and doesn’t go too far – should say, he can’t go too far but we’ve ordered him a longer leash.

Releasing newly hatched turtles has long been on my list and it’s an activity that I wanted to do while Roger was visiting but we couldn’t find the hatchery. A few nights ago, we decided to walk the beach and walk until we found it and what an amazing experience!! We released hundreds of turtles and they all scrambled to the water. It’s so amazing that they have this inborn instinct to go straight towards the ocean. We watched their little heads bobbing in the waves as we wished them well. The magnificent sunset added to their drama of the life cycle.
The rest of our week leading up to holiday in Chile is filled with social events, reception for breast cancer awareness (my friends and I made ribbons for attendees), taking a donor on a VIP trip to the no-kill cat shelter, newsletter meeting for the other charity, Friday Foodies (our last of the season), “book club” brunch and a brunch on Sunday with friends who insist on a “last meal before we leave”. And somewhere in between I need to complete 30 hours of homework. I start a TESOL Training Program when I get back and the assignments for just the first day are calculated to take 30 hours. What have I gotten myself into?
I have to admit that starting last month, I’m missing the changing of the seasons. Last time I went to Walmart, they had pumpkins and fake fall leaves, which made me laugh. But now I’m thinking, I’m going to go back and get some of the leaves. If it’s not autumn outside, I can at least have the leaves in the house.
October is an “awareness” month for so many charities and organizations, it’s hard to keep track of them all. So my motto is, “just be in the here and now and think about others”. Hope you have a terrific month and I’ll post on returning from Chile.