
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Closet Organized Bliss

I’m still on my organizing kick and now that summer is just around the corner and hopefully we are back to warmer weather, it’s time to go through the clothes in my bedroom closet.  I sort my clothes into piles of what I wear most, seldom or not at all.  That decides what I keep and what I move to another closet to store until autumn or what I donate.  Then, I’ll bring out the summer ones so that I can get to them easily and I sort through those as well.  Even though I did this when I put them away last autumn, I do it again. This time, I try to make even tougher decisions!

If like me you are exploring what the trends are for this summer and wonder “what can I wear that won’t scream ‘old lady’?”, I suggest that you look carefully at what you already have. These would be the items that you wear most often and have been your favorites in past seasons. You can look through magazines and catalogues to determine if the fits or styles have changed slightly.

Organizing tip: for summer clothes that have thinner straps, consider using the huggable hangers.  These are the ones with a velvety coating and are super thin.  Your tops don’t slip off and into a heap on the floor.

I often have to wear black trousers along with a black sweater or blazer for work so I tend to want to wear my favorite colors during my off times.  Coral and turquoise are two of my favorites. Recently, I purchased a tote and day-time purse in a rather bright coral color because they tend to brighten up my “work uniform” and give me a happy feeling when I pick them up.  To add to the upbeat color is a cheerily patterned scarf tied onto the handle of the tote.  When grabbing the bags and leaving the house at 5am, it just makes the morning feel more pleasing and upbeat.

The perfect tee – does it exist?  Are you throwing on a tee (or t-shirt) for every day and not giving it a second thought?  Try thinking about your best colors and what flatters your skin.  Throw out all of those faded, stretched-out tees, or the ones with faded prints or sayings, and find some new ones that have a more refined fit and in colors that accentuate your coloring.  It’s a great way to be casual enough to work around the house but still feel good about yourself in the morning as you’re getting dressed.  You don’t have to dress for someone else – think about what makes you feel good about yourself.

Updating your wardrobe doesn’t mean that you throw out everything.  You can update your basics fairly inexpensively and still feel stylish. Don’t think you have to swim in a sea of only black and neutral colors.  NO WAY!  You’ll lose your fashion identity if you do.  Think outside the box and find clothes that project your personality

I find that clearing out my closets gives me control over my wardrobe and if I’m in a rush to get dressed, I can easily find outfits that go together.  I also find that even though it may seem as if I’m spending more because I’m replacing clothes every season, at least I’m not buying duplicate purchases.  When I’m done, I feel a great sense of satisfaction and also it’s rewarding to know that someone else will get use out of the clothes that I donate. 

I only slightly touched on bags (one of my passions and my husband just can’t understand why I need more than one) but didn’t even touch on items such as shoes and accessories (another passion).  That could be yet another blog post so stay tuned!

"I've always thought of the T-shirt as the Alpha and Omega of the fashion alphabet." Giorgio Armani
"Elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing." Jean-Paul Gaultier

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