I’d like to share a few ways that you can send them your
appreciation for their service and the life that they are putting on the line
for us. Firstly, the time between the 4th
of July and Thanksgiving, our soldiers stationed overseas receive fewer letters
than usual. So now’s a great time to thank them for their service - in writing.
It’s important that we keep their morale up and keep them feeling that they are
doing something worthwhile. There’s a really easy way of doing this - that’s by
logging onto ForgottenSoldiers.org/write-a-soldier and complete an online form.
You can of course also write a more original heartfelt note and not just fill
in the form.
Because Halloween is coming up in just a couple of months, find out if your dentist is a member of the “Halloween Candy Buy-Back Program”. My regular dentist is and it’s the first that I’d heard of it. Participating dentists “buy back” kids Halloween candy with coupons, toothbrushes or other healthy goodies. This candy is then sent to the troops serving overseas. Let’s face it, our kids all get way too much candy at Halloween and pretty much all year around. Check with your dentist to see if they offer this and if not; let me know because my dentist does! Our men and women deserve as many treats as we can send them. And the army dentists will be pleased as well since all that candy will give them future business!

Another way of helping and saying thank you includes
donating your expired coupons for up to six months after the expiration date.
Most of you know by now that I’m a coupon queen and I intend on doing this from
now on. You can email EcomMail2011@gmail.com
to get an address of a military family who’ll be happy to receive them.
Need some new socks? When shopping, buy an extra packet of
new tube or crew socks. Socks wear out fast on the frontline and soldiers often
put on two to three pairs at a time. Socks are one of the top-requested items
among men and women stationed overseas. You can send them to: the Hugs Project,
7000 Crossroads Blvd., Suite 1048, Oklahoma City, OK 73149. This is a
non-profit organization who sends thousands of care packages to soldiers
serving in the Middle East.
Yet one more - log onto www.operationgratitude.com where
you can find the project that best suits you. They even help out the families
that are left here at home to carry on without mom or dad who is serving
The projects that I’ve listed are mostly US based but I’m
sure for those who are living in other countries, there are similar projects
available. Take time today to say “thank you” to a wonderful soldier who is
serving his country and making your life safer and better.
November is the US Military Family Appreciation Month. But let’s not wait until November because they need our appreciation today!
“Just as our troops embody the courage and character that make America's military the finest in the world, their family members embody the resilience and generosity that make our communities strong. They serve with heroism in their homes and neighborhoods while they are without the comfort of having loved ones nearby.”President Barack Obama
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